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Kim Snider - Sync2CRM (formerly SyncSumo)

Hi there-

Thanks for checking out our About Us page. I always want to know a little bit about the people behind the company too!

My name is Kim Snider. I lead the team here at Sync2CRM.

Our story is a twisty turny one. The origin of Sync2CRM goes back to another company I started and sold, The API Guys. A lot of the custom development work we did at The API Guys involved syncing data between Infusionsoft and another third party app.

Over time, we started to develop a syncing framework, so that we didn’t have to re-invent the wheel each time. That framework gradually became more and more sophisticated. But there were two events that caused it to take quantum leaps …

The first came when The API Guys was hired to sync all of the data, from the various systems, at a major West Coast university, with Infusionsoft. In order to handle that kind of massive volume, from so many different sources, our developers turned our framework into an amazing sync engine.

When I sold The API Guys, I kept the sync engine.

Around that time, I was approached to partner on an idea … using our sync engine to sync Infusionsoft data to Facebook custom audiences. That joint venture was called SyncSumo.

Unfortunately, that joint venture did not work out. My partner and I have gone our separate ways. He kept the SyncSumo name. I kept the business … which I have renamed Sync2CRM.

In the meantime, we have continued to extend the sync engine itself, creating a world class architecture using the latest and greatest in technology. We are now ready and able to take on even more massive volumes of data and add new platforms very quickly.

A couple of other things you might find relevant. I have built thirteen companies, one of which was #826 on the Inc List. I was also named Infusionsoft’s 2014 Most Helpful Partner.

Infusionsoft's 2014 Most Helpful Partner

What does all of this mean to you? I am not a code monkey. I am an entrepreneur, just like you, who loves more than anything to grow companies and help people.

I am convinced that one day very soon, Facebook Advertising will be as commonplace as having a website is today. Remember when we used to ask, “Do I really need a website?”

Today it is “Do I really need to advertise on Facebook?”

You do. Which is why I feel so strongly about Sync2CRM’s ability to help you grow your business.

In polo we say, “No feet. No horse.”

In business it’s, “No leads. No business.”

I am looking forward to growing Sync2CRM. The only way for me to do that is to help you grow your business.

So please, if I can help in any way at all, reach out … I learn from you. You learn from me. We’re all on this crazy entrepreneurial journey together!

Warmest Regards,