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Weather forecast facebook ad targeting

Using Weather Forecasts to Target Facebook Ads

Great marketing is all about specificity. Being able to get the right message to the right audience – at just the right time – does more for successful conversions than just about any other advertising tactic. Targeting and timing are critical!

With all of the technology available to us, there are more tools than ever to ensure high quality targeting and impeccable timing. Through automation tools and integrating multiple applications, this effort becomes even more powerful…

With Sync2CRM, integrating CRM data with Facebook ads is a way to take detailed contact information and use it for in-depth ad building, carefully selecting targeting … ..

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How To Get Facebook Ad Results Fast ROI Facebook Ads

Ep 12. – [EPIPHANY!] How To Get Facebook Ad Results … FAST!

I know the challenges small business owners have with Facebook advertising … because you have told me in the hundreds of free Facebook Ad Assessments I have offered.
They boil down to three things: 1) Time; 2) Return on Investment (ROI); and 3) Figuring out the Facebook ad platform itself. Right?
Well, what if I had an epiphany that just solved these problems for you?

What if I figured out how you can get great ROI, with very little risk, in very little time, and without having to figure out all of Facebook advertising all at once?

You’d want to know what it was, … ..

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Episode 11: How To Improve Your Facebook Relevance Scores

Ep 11. – How To Improve Your Facebook Relevance Scores

Wondering How To Improve Your Facebook Relevance Scores?
What if I could point you to one Facebook Ad Metric that would tell you whether your ad was going to rock? Or suck? Whether to scale it? Or kill it?

And what if, by understanding how this metric worked, you were able to manage to that metric to create consistently winning ads? Would you be interested?

If so, join me for this Episode of Kim Snider Live, where I will explain why Relevance Score should be your go-to metric, how to use it, and how to raise them so you can create consistent winners.

And … ..

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Facebook Ad Sets

Ep 10. – How To Run The Same Ad To Multiple Facebook Ad Sets

Wondering How To Run The Same Ad To Multiple Facebook Ad Sets?
Facebook has recently released a new update that makes it dead simple to run the exact same ad to different ad sets. This is a big deal because many of us have been jumping through hoops, using dark (unpublished) posts, to do this. And now it is dead simple. Just click a button and … Bam!

Maybe you are wondering why you wouldn’t just duplicate the ad in a different ad set? You could. But remember how Facebook is keeping score in the great Facebook Ad Game … Relevance Score.

If … ..

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3 Tricks to Improve Facebook Ads Images

3 Tricks to Improve Facebook Ads Images

I have been playing with the images in my ads lately, to see if I can improve Facebook ads and get some better click through rates. I have had some success so I thought I would share what I have done.

Here are 3 tricks that have been working well for me lately …

1. Bright contrasting colors – I have a tendency to use duller colors. I read an article that said try making your images loud. Problem is, I cringe at loud. But I tried this one and it is performing well.

2. An image showing emotion – Our … ..

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Lead Ads Won't Work? How To Test A Facebook Lead Ad

Lead Ad Won’t Work? How To Test A Facebook Lead Ad

We have had a question come up several times over the last week in our Sync2CRM User Group and support about lead ads not working.

The issue is … when you try to test the lead ad yourself, it goes directly to the website instead of popping up the Lead Ad form.

This 3 minute video explains the cause and the solution for this issue. Hopefully it will save others time figuring it out on their own:

The short answer is you can only fill out a Lead Ad form once. So if you are being sent to the website, it … ..

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