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retargeting tool Sync2CRM

How I Got 2480% On FB Ads In 2 days

I know the challenges small business owners have with Facebook advertising … because you have told me in the hundreds of free Facebook Ad Assessments I have offered.

They boil down to three things:

✓ Time
✓ Return on Investment (ROI)
✓ Figuring out the Facebook ad platform itself.


Well, what if I had an epiphany that just solved these problems for you?

What if I figured out how you can get great ROI, with very little risk, in very little time, and without having to figure out all of Facebook advertising all at once?

You’d want to know what it … ..

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Facebook Retargeting Facts

8 Cool Facts About Facebook Retargeting (You Must Know)

Facebook Retargeting is quite a hot topic these days. Do you know why?
I found this great infographic, 8 Cool Facts About Facebook Retargeting (You Must Know) which nicely sums up the reason remarketing has so much sizzle these days.

But, in a nutshell, it comes down to these key facts …
Only 2% of first-time website visitors are ready to buy
So what about the other 98%? You spent a good deal of time and effort to drive that traffic.

Well, that is where remarketing comes in. Here are some more key facts:

Visitors who are retargeted are 70% more likely to convert

Retargeting improves the … ..

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Epic Facebook Advertising Guide Part 1

7 Step System For Facebook Advertising Success (Part 2)

Who doesn’t want a more profitable business?

Maybe you are like me. You spend a bunch of time trying to learn all there is about high performance funnel marketing.

You follow all the Facebook advertising gurus … Jon Loomer, Amy Porterfield, Ryan Deiss, Keith Kranc, Molly Pittman, and Mari Smith.

You take all the Facebook advertising courses … join all the digital marketing membership groups.

But it is all really overwhelming.
7 Step System For Facebook Advertising
What I do best are systems. A system is a set of steps, that when repeated over and over again, yield the same result.

So it is no surprise I … ..

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Facebook Ad Campaign

How To Create Infusionsoft by Keap and Facebook Ad Campaigns That Work Together To Increase Conversions and Lower Ad Costs

In this training, we are going to cover how to create Infusionsoft by Keap and Facebook Ad campaigns that work together to increase conversions and lower ad costs.

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Time Stamped Index of the Video

0:01 – Welcome message
1:41 – Four pre-requisite concepts: 1. Pixels – 2. Custom Audiences – 3. What Sync2CRM does – 4. Leaky Buckets
2:10 – Facebook Pixel – a Facebook pixel to put onto your website and landing pages to track conversions page visits
3:54 – Pixelling – Driving someone to your website to pixel them.
4:43 – What was the “Email List” is now … ..

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Facebook Custom Audiences

Getting Started: Facebook Custom Audiences 

What is a Custom Audience?

Essentially, custom audiences are designed to allow you reach your customers using Facebook ads. You can upload your list of phone numbers and email addresses (at least 20) and Facebook will deliver your ad to these people if they are on Facebook. Additionally, you can build a Facebook custom audience using the contacts of people who use your mobile applications as well as those who visit your website.

Why Custom Audiences?

It is always easier to sell your products and/or services to customers you already know, in comparison to looking for new ones. Facebook custom audiences, therefore, will … ..

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