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Kim Snider

Author Archives: Kim Snider

Using Weather Forecasts to Target Facebook Ads

Great marketing is all about specificity. Being able to get the right message to the right audience – at just the right time – does more for successful conversions than just about any other advertising tactic. Targeting and timing are critical!

With all of the technology available to us, there are more tools than ever to ensure high quality targeting and impeccable timing. Through automatio...

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Why Sync2CRM Is Best Infusionsoft by Keap ⇄ Facebook Integration

Over the weekend, it occurred to me I have been pretty quiet about our Sync2CRM app over the last few months.

So, lest you think we haven't been doing anything with it, let me give you an update and invite you to an Ask Me Anything over in the Facebook Group tomorrow ...

What We Have Been Working On ...

For the last several months, we have been pouring time (and money) into making Sync2C...

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How I Got 2480% On FB Ads In 2 days

I know the challenges small business owners have with Facebook advertising … because you have told me in the hundreds of free Facebook Ad Assessments I have offered.

They boil down to three things:

✓ Time ✓ Return on Investment (ROI) ✓ Figuring out the Facebook ad platform itself.


Well, what if I had an epiphany that just solved these problems for you?

What if...

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How To Pixel Links to External Sites You Share On Social Media

Pixel links to external sites that you share on social media ... Grow your pixeled list faster and stop wasting all that time you spend posting links to other people's sites on social media!

I looked and looked and looked for a way to pixel clicks on links to external sites that I shared on social media ... For example, you post a link on your Facebook Page to an article on NewYorkTimes.c...

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Ep 13. – My Top 10 Facebook Ad Tools

Just Want The List Of Facebook Ad Tools? [thrive_2step id='4732'] Download The Cheatsheet » [/thrive_2step]

Facebook ads take time but with the help of these great Facebook ad tools you can streamline the process.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know the potential of Facebook advertising for getting new leads and growing your business.

But, while working with small busin...

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Ep 12. – [EPIPHANY!] How To Get Facebook Ad Results … FAST!

I know the challenges small business owners have with Facebook advertising … because you have told me in the hundreds of free Facebook Ad Assessments I have offered. They boil down to three things: 1) Time; 2) Return on Investment (ROI); and 3) Figuring out the Facebook ad platform itself. Right? Well, what if I had an epiphany that just solved these problems for you?

What if I figured out ...

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