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Kim Snider

Author Archives: Kim Snider

Ep6: Why You Shouldn’t Outsource Facebook Marketing Services

Why You Shouldn’t Outsource Facebook Marketing Services Have you tried to outsource your Facebook Marketing Services? Thought about it?

In this episode of Facebook Live with Kim Snider, I will tell you why I believe you CANNOT and SHOULD NOT outsource your Facebook Marketing Services. I know this is likely to be somewhat controversial. But listen to the entire episode before you tune me out...

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Ep5: How I Used Facebook Live To Increase Revenue 35% In One Month

How I Used Facebook Live To Increase Revenue 35% In One Month Have you watched a Facebook Live broadcast yet? Done one yourself?

Facebook has gone all in on streaming video, which means … you should too. Facebook is the future. So when they jump in, you should too.

In this episode of Facebook Live with Kim Snider, I share with you three new features already announced to make Facebook Liv...

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Ep4: Facebook Ad Targeting Friends of Fans

Why Facebook Ad Targeting Friends of Fans Is Soooo Powerful

Did you know that the average Facebook user has 150 friends? And we know that birds of a feather tend to flock together.

In this episode of Facebook Live with Kim Snider, I share with you one of the most powerful secrets in Facebook ad targeting - friends of fans. I’ll tell you when, where and how ... so watch the video. Then get ...

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#3 – Facebook 20% Text Rule Has Changed … And Not For The Better

Why I'm Covering The New Facebook 20% Text Rule Today In order to protect the user experience, Facebook has enforced a 20% text rule. Any ad image with more than 20% text was rejected. As of June 8, 2016, that “rule” no longer exists. Should you rejoice? Is this going to make your life easier? Not so fast. Turns out, from the advertisers perspective, this makes things worse, not better. In th...

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#2 – New Facebook Pixel FAQs

Why I'm Covering The New Facebook Pixel Today

Based on the number of questions I get, it seems that one of the most baffling parts of Facebook ads for those just getting started is the new Facebook pixel. So in this episode of my weekly Facebook Live broadcast, I go over the most frequently asked new Facebook pixel questions.

Time Stamped Index Of Video

0:05 - Why I thought New Facebo...

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3 Unbreakable Facebook Ad Rules

In this video, I talk about 3 Unbreakable Rules for Facebook Ads. These are Facebook Ad mistakes I see small businesses make, all the time, in their Facebook campaigns.

I will show you why you should always run 2 ads against one another, never just a single ad in an ad set. We will look at ad objectives and which one to pick. And finally, a simple rule about custom audiences that will save you...

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