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Kim Snider

Author Archives: Kim Snider

Creating A Template From A Broadcast


Have you ever created an email in the Infusionsoft email broadcast tool, sent it and then needed to send it again?

Well, that just happened to me the other day. I sent an email to all the new students in my Campaign Builder course, as an email broadcast. Then, a few hours later, we had one straggler sign up so I needed to send that same email to her. But I hadn't saved it as a tem...

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Six Reasons I Love Infusionsoft Payments

I have a confession to make. I haven't been using Infusionsoft's E-Commerce platform in my own business. I have been using a combination of Intuit Payments and Stripe instead.

At least, I did. Now, I use the new Infusionsoft Payments.

There are two big reasons I haven't used Infusionsoft's e-commerce offering up until now:

Setting up a merchant account was a pain in the butt. I work hard...

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Why Use Click Funnels Over Lead Pages or Optimize Press?

If you’re running a business with a digital presence there’s a good chance you’ve heard of Lead Pages or Optimize Press before. Both are well-established. Both are providers of tools and templates for landing pages, sales funnels, membership portals, etc. Both claim to increase the ROI of your business.

However, there is a new(ish) kid on the block when it comes to meeting the marketing a...

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What If You Had To Unplug From Your Business For An Entire Month?

Close your eyes and imagine that for a minute. Could you do it? What would happen? This is a great focus question. But for me, it is suddenly more than a hypothetical ... Do You Have A Lifestyle Business? My business is a lifestyle business. So were the other nine businesses I have started. I bet yours is too, whether you call it that or not.

I break small businesses into two categories: life...

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How To Create Automated, Signed, Infusionsoft Contracts

There are any number of ways to get data out of Infusionsoft, into a signed contract and back into the contact's Infusionsoft filebox, as a signed PDF. However, at the time we first came up with this solution, API access to the document signing services was crazy expensive. So, we created this as an inexpensive workaround. If you don't care about the signature, it's even cheaper.

(NOTE: This solu...

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