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11 Ideas For New Infusionsoft Users To Get Some Quick Wins

by Kim Snider - Get free updates of new posts here


A fellow Infusionsoft Certified Partner posted a request in our Facebook the other day, asking for any material she could give to a new user who had just bought Infusionsoft.

That got me thinking about what are some quick wins a new Infusionsoft user can get when they are first getting started? I came up with eleven:

1. Learn Infusionsoft – there is nothing more indicative of whether you will waste your money on Infusionsoft than how quickly and confidently you jump in. I don’t care what the salesperson told you, someone on your team is going to have to devote a lot of time and energy to Infusionsoft to make it pay off. So you better get some training because playing a game where you suck at it is no fun. That is why, by the way, I created the Learn Infusionsoft Fast learning system.

2. Put an Infusionsoft-powered opt-in form on your website – The money is in your list of email subscribers. Start building your email list, within Infusionsoft, right away. This should be one of the first things you do.

3. Build out a long-term nurture sequence in Campaign Builder – What is a long term nurture sequence? It is content that you send to a prospect, gradually, over time, to keep them engaged with you until they are ready to buy … or buy again. In Campaign Builder, you can create a simple series of emails with delays in between, to slowly drip out the content to your list so you’ll be top of mind when the time comes.

4. Start sending a newsletter through Infusionsoft – If you already have a newsletter program, move it to Infusionsoft so you can segment and take action based on who clicks on what. If you aren’t sending out a newsletter, now is a good time to start. The drag and drop email builder makes creating a simple email newsletter pretty quick to get started.

5. Have blog posts automatically sent to the inbox of your email list – You can use one of two third-party apps from the Infusionsoft Marketplace to get this done. Check out FeedBolt and RSS to Email. Both do the same thing. They take the RSS feed from your blog (or any RSS feed for that matter), and automatically deliver new posts to your list without any action from you.

6. Implement a birthday campaign that automatically sends an email to your clients (or family) on their birthday – You can download this campaign, pre-made and free, from the Infusionsoft Marketplace. It isn’t going to make you thousands of dollars but it is a nice touch and it will get your hands dirty in Campaign Builder, which is where all the magic happens. Campaign Builder is why you bought Infusionsoft. The sooner you start using it, the better.

7. Automate your hiring – I bet you thought Infusionsoft was just about sales and marketing funnels? No way Jose. Infusionsoft can automate all sorts of back end processes that take up precious time that could be spent on higher value activities. (In fact, I talk about how I track how much time I spend each day on high-value activities, and how much more productive I am, as a result, in the accompanying video.)

8. Automatically schedule appointments – This is another back office time suck that can be handled effectively using Infusionsoft and a third party app. The one I love and use is called ScheduleOnce. Someone can schedule a meeting with me, at a mutually convenient time, without all the back and forth of phone tag and “What day works for you? How about …?”

9. Set up your dashboard – The dashboard is the first screen you’ll see when you log in to Infusionsoft. If it’s not, you can change it in your Profile Settings so it is. You can have Infusionsoft display real-time summary data that is important to you so you can easily keep up with the numbers that matter to your business.

10. Send reports automatically by email – Once you get the dashboard set up, you should have any reports that you are retrieving regularly, sent to you automatically each morning or each week. Yep. Infusionsoft can do that too. Once you save a report or search, just go to the Options button and select Send As Email.

11. Sync your Infusionsoft contacts to Facebook custom audiences – This is for the more advanced marketers in the crowd. If you use Facebook to advertise, then you can use Sync2CRM to periodically update your custom audiences in Facebook throughout the day. No more exporting and uploading emails. You can now get super targeted based on the most current information in your Infusionsoft database.

So there you have it … 11 ideas for the new Infusionsoft user to get some quick wins.


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