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6 Reasons I Love Infusionsoft Payments

Six Reasons I Love Infusionsoft Payments

I have a confession to make. I haven’t been using Infusionsoft’s E-Commerce platform in my own business. I have been using a combination of Intuit Payments and Stripe instead.

At least, I did. Now, I use the new Infusionsoft Payments.

There are two big reasons I haven’t used Infusionsoft’s e-commerce offering up until now:

Setting up a merchant account was a pain in the butt. I work hard at monitoring the time I spend each day to make sure it is productive. Setting up a merchant account is like getting a mortgage. Who has time for that?
The user experience of Stripe is so … ..

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How To Create Automated, Signed, Infusionsoft Contracts

How To Create Automated, Signed, Infusionsoft Contracts

There are any number of ways to get data out of Infusionsoft, into a signed contract and back into the contact’s Infusionsoft filebox, as a signed PDF. However, at the time we first came up with this solution, API access to the document signing services was crazy expensive. So, we created this as an inexpensive workaround. If you don’t care about the signature, it’s even cheaper.

(NOTE: This solution relies on Wordpress. If you don’t have Wordpress, you can also use a combination of WebMerge, Parsey and the document signing service of your choice, to … ..

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