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5 Reasons Why You NEED To Be Using Facebook Ads If You Own a Small Business

by Kim Snider - Get free updates of new posts here

Did you know that 1 million small and medium businesses advertise on Facebook? Or that a huge 2.5 million advertisers use the social networking platform to attract new customers, engage with their audience and generate high-quality leads? Yet millions of local businesses are still not using the social giant to its full potential – despite the numerous benefits it provides.

As of September 2015, there were more than 1 billion daily active users on Facebook, making the social network one of the most powerful marketing platforms for any business owner – regardless of their industry. Still not convinced that Facebook advertising is right for you? By the end of this article, you’re going to change your mind. Read on to find out the benefits of Facebook advertising small business.

1. You get more bang for your buck than Google AdWords

Yes, Google AdWords is great for any business to wants to increase the visibility of their brand online, but when it comes to ROI, Facebook might just trump the Big G. AdWords can generate much as $20 per click if you have the right keywords, but with Facebook you can boost profit with conversion rates as high as 40 percent.

If you’re serious about marketing, supercharge your current Google AdWords campaign with Facebook advertising for bigger conversions.

2. Segment your audience
Facebook advertising lets you segment your customers so you can target different customers based on their location, age, interests, education level, gender, and much, much more. Pretty impressive, right? Generic ad campaigns – where you target the greatest number of people at any one time – don’t always yield the best results.

Making your adverts more specific can work wonders – especially if you are trying to appeal to a particular audience. Facebook lets you do all that – and then some.

3. Drum up interest in your business
Facebook is the second most visited website in the world and is a great marketing platform if you want to introduce your brand to a new audience. Drum up interest in your business with special introductory offers, competitions or promotions to increase click-throughs to your pages. You can place your ads on pages that mention a particular keyword so you know you’re delivering your marketing message to the right people.

4. Increase customer loyalty
Not only can you attract new customers with your Facebook ads, but you’ll also be able to increase loyalty among your existing customers. Want to encourage your customers to visit your online store? Purchase a new product or service? Use Facebook advertising to target people who have already purchased from your website – and are likely to do so again.

5. People take notice of Facebook ads
Think about all the times you’ve noticed a Facebook ad when checking your newsfeed. Notice how they are unobtrusive and embedded into the page? Facebook users take note of ads on the social network platform, especially if they are interested in the product or service. What’s more, potential customers are likely to see your ad more than once if they check their newsfeed several times during the day.

You also get more space to add a description for your advert than you would with Google AdWords – perfect for attracting leads to your pages.

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