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Ep 9. – 5 Questions To Ask Before You Invest In Your Business

by Kim Snider - Get free updates of new posts [thrive_2step id='749']here[/thrive_2step]

What 5 Questions Should You Be Asking Before You Invest In Your Business

Today’s topic, 5 Questions To Ask Before You Invest In Your Business”, may seem a little far afield from Facebook advertising … but it’s really not. It’s actually right on topic.

Whether it is running or killing a Facebook ad campaign, paying for a course, subscribing to new software or buying a new computer …Nearly every day, an ad for this or an email for that or an idea from a friend tempts us to spend money in the name of our business.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “You have to spend money to make money”, right? So, in this episode, we’ll explore how to know when it makes sense and maybe more importantly, when it doesn’t.

Time Stamped Index Of Video

0:20 – Topic Introduction – 5 Questions to Ask Before You Invest in Your Business.

1:47 – Take the quiz Kim setup! –

4:26 – Main content start, Kim discusses the 5 questions.

6:00 – Question run down

6:08 – Is my business profitable?

9:30 – What is the value of an hour of my time?

11:28 – What is the result of the investment?

16:22 – How to calculate your return on investment

18:30 – How long will it take to be cashflow positive?

21:05 – Reminder to get the quiz and shownotes –

22:11 – Wrap up! Make sure to follow Kim!

Take The Quiz …

Facebook Ad Quiz

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