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How To Use Zapier To Make Infusionsoft Awesomer

by Kim Snider - Get free updates of new posts [thrive_2step id='749']here[/thrive_2step]


Zapier is a cheap and easy way for you to make 3rd party apps talk to one another without knowing any code. But unbeknownst to most people, it can also be used to make Infusionsoft do more, without any other third party application. In this video, Kim spills all her best Zapier tricks …

Time Stamped Video Notes:
01:15 – What is Zapier?
02:10 – My Problem Solving Hierarchy
04:30 – Zapier Monthly Fee and Similar Apps
05:30 – How does Zapier Work? Triggers & Actions.
06:32 – What is the “This and That” Formula – “A Simple Phrase”
07:07 – “Lost Kim on the Webinar”
08:17 – Twist on the Phrase – Add a Condition
08:42 – Add a Condition – Example
09:40 – What happens in Zapier in Terms of Campaign Builder
10:57 – Jump into Zapier from Scratch
11:30 – “Explore” in Zapier – Listing of all Apps in Zapier
13:34 – Need Paid Zapier Account to use Infusionsoft
16:01 – What is possible on Infusionsoft Side
17:13 – List of Triggers and Actions Available in Infusionsoft
18:01 – Looking at Triggers that Start with New
18:23 – New Campaignee → New Opportunity → New Tags → New Subscription Plan
19:28 – Zapier can Extend Campaign Builder→Example “Cancelled Subscription”
22:00 – Finish Running Through Triggers
23:25 – Talk of some Triggers that are in Infusionsoft and how they Differ
24:57 – Think of Triggers as New Goals with more Flexibility
25:02 – Actions – Think of them as Sequences in Campaign Builder
25:15 – Actions – Apply a Tag → Company → Create or Update Contacts
26:19 – Create a Product – Example “3rd Party Forms” → Product
27:34 – Send an Email
27:54 – Zapier has more Triggers than Actions
28:41 – Define a Zap
29:43 – Build A Zap → Automatically Add a Tag Every time New User = Facebook
31:07 – Step by Step to Build a New Zap
33:42 – Kim’s Example: “Distribute Contacts to Other Apps or to a Master App”
36:25 – How to Match Infusionsoft Contact in Trigger App to Action App→ Tags Applied
37:15 – Test your Zap when you are done building it → “Test Infusionsoft Trigger”
37:51 – Shows Values in Everything
39:00 – Zapier Demo → Testing → Success
40:10 – Triggers in CB are instant and in Zapier it waits
42:12 – Kim shows another example using 3rd party app
42:27 – Kim’s “ScheduleOnce” Zapier example using a Tag and Date fields
43:56 – Kim show’s her zap already built for this example using “New Event” Search
45:47 – How to Match Record between “Google Calendar” to Infusionsoft
48:32 – Kim tests the Example App
49:50 – How user friendly is Zapier?
51:12 – What do you think are the most popular Zaps that are used for Infusionsoft?

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