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[BOOK RECOMMENDATION] The Willpower Instinct

by Kim Snider - Get free updates of new posts here

If you read my stuff regularly, you know I fill my “down time”, like mowing and driving, with content. Yesterday I listened to The Willpower Instinct, by Kelly McGonigle. (aff link:

Given that time is the Small Small Business (SSB) owner’s most precious resource, by far, then willpower and self-control is an extraordinarily important topic, as it will determine our use of that resource.

The Willpower Instinct

I definitely like the book and recommend it …

Her style is light and easy. And it is highly actionable.

You can consume it two ways. The first is one chapter per week, for 10 weeks, to mimic her Stanford course on willpower. The other, as I did, is all in one sitting.

The book suggests you tackle one “willpower challenge”. That can either be a “willpower will” or a “willpower won’t”.

I have had meditation on my list of habits I want to start for a long time. So I think I am going to start the book again and make that my “willpower challenge”.

Plus that one is a double whammy because meditation is shown to dramatically improve your willpower, among many other important things. So that one is kind of meta.

I have lots of willpower challenges … Diet Dr. Pepper and sweets are my big willpower won’ts. So I could potentially be looping through this book for quite awhile 😛

How about you?

What are your willpower challenges? Have you read the book? Tried meditation as a business strategy? Leave your comments below. I would love to hear from you.

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