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How does Sync2CRM Compare to PlusThis?

by Kim Snider - Get free updates of new posts [thrive_2step id='749']here[/thrive_2step]
About PlusThis
PlusThis is a subscription service, created by Sixth Division, providing a wide variety of tools that extend the functionality of Infusionsoft.
PlusThis costs $79/month. All features are included. There is no annual plan.

Older subscribers may be grandfathered in at the old $59/month price.

How is Sync2CRM different?

– Sync2CRM not only offers  syncing of your Infusionsoft data to Facebook Custom Audiences but migration of Facebook Lead Ad form submissions as well. PlusThis does not.

– Sync2CRM can sync an unlimited number of contacts who have a specific tag or are included in a saved search, to a custom audience in Facebook, as often as every three hours. PlusThis adds one contact at a time, using an HTTP Post in a campaign. They cannot keep entire lists synced, regardless of what process is updating the list.

– Sync2CRM allows you to connect multiple Infusionsoft and Facebook accounts to one app. PlusThis does not allow multiple Infusionsoft or Facebook accounts.

– Sync2CRM offers paid training courses for those who are new to either Infusionsoft or Facebook advertising. PlusThis does not have expertise or offer training on Facebook advertising.
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