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Accepting Facebook Terms of Service Doesn’t Work

by Kim Snider - Get free updates of new posts [thrive_2step id='749']here[/thrive_2step]

The symptoms are: you have clicked both links in the error message, both say you have signed the Terms of Service, but you are still getting the error.

We get this question a lot since the July 2, 2018 changes to Facebook’s custom audience Terms of Service rules.

The relevant phrase is:

After July 2, 2018, when uploading or creating a Custom Audience, every Business Manager user must accept our Custom Audiences Terms as part of this new flow

This is new. You may have signed it. But everyone hasn’t.

Meaning, Facebook now requires every user of every connected ad account to sign all relevant TOS. (Thank you Cambridge Analytica)!

If you are an agency, don’t panic. It isn’t every user of every ad account in your Business Manager.

It is though every user of every ad account connected to Sync2CRM through your Business Manager.

It seems the easiest way to troubleshoot the issue is to log in to each ad account connected to Sync2CRM, go to Custom Audiences, and try to manually upload a csv file to a custom audience.

It can just be a file with a single email address in it.

Apparently, the error message returned by the UI is much more helpful than the one returned by the API.

That is how many of our clients have figured out who still needs to sign.

If/when you can manually upload a CSV file to each connected ad account, your Sync2CRM syncs should work as well.

Hope that helps.