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A whole new world has opened up for me with Sync2CRM and Facebook Advertising.

by Kim Snider - Get free updates of new posts here

A whole new world has opened up for me with Sync2CRM and Facebook Advertising. Using the contacts within Infusionsoft I have been able to create Like Audiences to target Strata Management prospects for the first time ever. There was no real way to identify my ideal prospects before. The results so far are performing my Adwords results by a factor of 5:1 both in Click Through Rates and conversions being Opt-Ins.

Sync2CRM keeps my data synchronised between Infusionsoft and Facebook everyday. My saved searches are now used for multiple purposes. I wish I had this type of facility for all my other apps as well !

I have dealt with Kim over the last 2 years and find her extremely helpful and innovative. She richly deserved winning the 2014 Most Helpful Partner within the Infusionsoft community .